World Changers Worship Center

About us

our statement of faith


  • In one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • In the responsibility of each believer, motivated by the love of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, to witness for Christ, and to live and live sacrificially for the proclamation of the Gospel into all the world.  
  • In the unending life of the saved with the Lord, and the unending punishment of the unsaved.
  • In the word-by-word inspiration and divine authority of the Holy Scriptures.
  • In the resurrection of both the saved and the unsaved.
  • In the Lord Jesus Christ as true God and true man: His virgin birth, sinless humanity, vicarious death, bodily resurrection, present advocacy and His personal imminent, bodily, visible return for His Church.
  • In the fall of man, resulting in his complete and universal separation from God and his need of the salvation through Jesus Christ.
  • That salvation is a free and everlasting gift of God, entirely a part from works: that every person is responsible to receive salvation; Salvation is by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; that a soul once truly saved can never be lost. 
  • That the Lord Jesus Christ died and shed His blood as the only sufficient sacrifice for sin.
  • That the Holy Spirit regenerates with divine life and personally indwells the believer upon his faith in Christ for salvation.

Our vision, To take the good news of Salvation and God’s Kingdom transformation to the nations and support the needy.
Our Mission, Who we are… we are a growing multicultural Christian Family Church, dedicated to win souls for Jesus Christ. What we do… we reach out, equip and extend the grace to others. How we do it… teamwork, trust, communication and mutual respect. Our value…. every human being is important to us.